I am not a cool mom that knows how to facebook, tweet, or instagram. I blog solely for the purpose of my family and friends that I rarely live in the same state or country with; and even then, I barely do that. Our really cool babysitter gifted me with this instagram of Isla that I am totally in love with.
Jared's new job has created a lot of opportunities for growth for us individually, as a couple, and as a family. As we pray for strength and do better some days and weeks then others handling our life; I have learned a lot. In my effort to do better with "mommy-hood" and "solo-hood" I have been really trying to focus on recognizing the things that make me happy, cherish them, and try to feel and show more love. Call it corny if you will, but focusing with a serious degree of effort on doing these things really has become a survival mechanism. So when our baby sitter sent me my new favorite picture of Isla and I enjoyed the afternoon with my daughter I just wanted to put down the things I loved about today, to help make it a happy one for me.
I loved that my babysitter sent this picture out of the blue. I love the warm light of an instagram and how it gives every picture a warm memory feeling. This one particularly exuding the pure joy that Isla is filled with. I loved that Isla had an unexpected and rare super long nap that allowed not only for a very happy daughter the rest of the day, but the only two cherished hours I got alone with my husband this entire week. They were a perfect moment of sweetness and real love to face this next week with and feel like a real team despite our locations. We talked without judgement or personal needs. We helped each other prepare for the week. And just enjoyed a few quiet moments together. I love that Isla woke up happy and cuddly and just as sweet as can be. I love that she happily played without spilling water all over the kitchen floor, while I made dinner. I love that not only does she know her numbers but has learned to apply them to counting objects, which she happily did while I picked tomatoes. I love that we have delicious fresh tomatoes in are garden. I love that Isla loved every bit of our dinner main dish (A favorite dish of roasted butternut squash and garlic pasta) and even our side of fresh tomatoes, basil, and cottage cheese. I love that she ate all her dinner, did not throw it on the floor and played well till bedtime. I love that she said over and over, "Oh mommy, thank you very much for that noodle," when I causally handed her a noodle to test out of the pot of boiling water. And I love that she loves to read and we read together before bed and she quickly drifted off to sleep without coaxing or reminders. I love that I got to talk to three of my sisters today. And I love and feel grateful to have been blessed with such a nice Sabbath day that helped me to feel the sweet Spirit all day long. I am grateful for such a blessed day that did not try my patience to the Nth degree. I am grateful for a day that truly felt like the Sabbath all day long in the most subtle yet Christ-like way that is love. I will try to hang onto the gift of this day and expand on it this week so that these feelings will become more of my character.
I love that this picture captures all that I felt today.
4 weeks ago